Collaboration with Susan Jasionowski

Emerge is a vibrant and positive proposal for land use adjacent to Gumbinar Park. The Armory courtyard is made grander with the addition of planter seating and locally made artwork sourced through the Arts Council for Long Beach. Children will have a safe place to toss or kick a ball in the grassy, practice field, which is surrounded by netting. Durable, stained concrete pavers are placed on Mars Court and East Cobre Way to add a polished look while remaining functional for vehicles. A new art deco-inspired fence runs along the back of St. Anthony High School since it will now be in view from Gumbiner Park. A fifteen-spaced parking lot is tucked behind the Armory with access via Mars Court. This will be adjacent to an additional entry to the Armory building that is handicap accessible. The lot is screened by a row of majestic Italian Cypress trees and shaded by Myrtle trees with evergreen leaves and yellow flowers in the spring. In addition to the tress, parking bollards will protect pedestrians from cars and provide path lighting at night. Bollards will also be placed where East Cobre Way meets Gumbiner Park to keep vehicular traffic out of the area next to the practice field. Finally. seating and low maintenance plants will be placed on two sides of the practice field for spectators to use and enjoy.

The mosaics of Dawn Mendelson are displayed the Art Courtyard

Site Plan

Low walls provide a screen to obscure the dumpsters from direct view of park visitors and neighbors. The row of Italian Cypress creates a natural barrier between the park and apartment buildings

Concrete pavers unify the alley surfaces and a stylized tree form livens up a traditional fence design.

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