Collaboration with Belle Chiang and Susan Jasionowski

Ecologic Brands wants a portable, marketing venue to use at temporary events. The company’s goal is to increase consumer awareness of their fiberboard bottles and thereby increase demand for products that utilize them. The venue’s design uses a ten-foot square, aluminum container that can be expanded on-site. The Ecolounge is an inviting space that is casual and friendly. Colorful, translucent, resin squares are used on the ceiling and walls to attract visitors to the venue. Guests can sit and relax and get to know the Ecologic Brand and product line. Information and benefits are displayed in two areas. A monitor designed for outdoor use will be in a third area. It displays short videos about the company, the manufacturing process, and the disposal of the bottles. Contemporary music is played in between videos to keep the atmosphere upbeat.

The Ecolounge educates consumers about the impact of traditional plastic bottles on our Earth and how they can help the planet by choosing products that use Ecologic containers.

The cube transforms into the Ecolounge

Plan View

The Ecologic product line is displayed on this wall.

Videos give viewers information about the company and the people behind it.

This area explains the container’s make-up and recycling options.

The Ecologic logo is placed on all of the upright sides of the cube.

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